
This module contains the variable_constraints dictionary, defining constraints for variables from the optimization model.

Dictionary Structure#

variable_constraints is a dictionary where each key is a constraint name (str), and the associated value is a list of term dictionaries and an operator dictionary.

  • Term Dictionary: - “feature” (str): the feature involved in the constraint. - “coef” (numeric): coefficient applied to the term. - “limit” (str, optional): the limit for feature comparison, e.g., “lmin”. - “operator” (str, optional): an operator applied to the feature, e.g., “norm”.

  • Operator Dictionary: - “operator” (str): comparison operator of the constraint, e.g., “GTE”. - “coef” (numeric): coefficient applied to the resulting value.


“umidade_limit_min”: [

{“feature”: “umidade”, “coef”: 1}, {“feature”: “umidade”, “limit”: “lmin”, “coef”: -1}, {“operator”: “GTE”, “coef”: 0},

] This represents ‘umidade’ >= 0