
Module with functions that apply filters to the datasets, before regression.

These functions are executed inside the module mltrainer, before training the regression models.

They’re used to filter the datasets generated at the end of the preprocessing pipeline to ensure the quality of the data used for training the models.


These functions should be applied only once during the whole execution. After the mltrainer module execution, a clean version of the datasets dictionary is saved to disk.

The latter optimization step should use the clean version of the datasets dictionary to build the optimization model. It represents the data that the predictive models also used for training, and additionally contain a more clean version of the data.

wip.datatools.ml_filters.add_tags_to_models(ds: Dict[str, DataFrame], df_sql: DataFrame, tags_to_add: Dict[str, Union[str, list]]) Dict[str, DataFrame][source]#

Add tags from the primary model to other specified models.

  • ds (Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]) – Dictionary of dataframes representing models.

  • df_sql (pd.DataFrame) – A pandas.Dataframe with all available tags.

  • tags_to_add (Dict[str, Union[str, list]]) – Dictionary where keys are tag names and values are lists of model names to which the tag should be added. See function notes for more details.


Updated dictionary of dataframes.

Return type

Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]


The tags_to_add dictionary needs to comply with the following structure:

tags_to_add = {
    "<TAG-NAME>": ["<MODEL-NAME-1>", "<MODEL-NAME-2>", ...],
    "<TAG-NAME>": ["<MODEL-NAME-1>"],


  • <TAG-NAME> is the name of the tag to add to the models.

  • <MODEL-NAME-1>, <MODEL-NAME-2>, etc. are the names of the models to add the tag to.

This function respects the dataset column order, as the last column needs to contain the target variable.

wip.datatools.ml_filters.check_adjacent_temp_group_column_names(temp_col_left: str, temp_col_right: str) bool[source]#

Check if the last two characters of the provided column names are integers.

This function checks if the last two characters of the provided column names are integers and if the integer in the right column name is one greater than the integer in the left column name. The function returns True if the conditions are met, and False otherwise.

  • temp_col_left (str) – The left column name.

  • temp_col_right (str) – The right column name.


True if the last two characters of the provided column names are integers and if the integer in the right column name is one greater than the integer in the left column name. False otherwise.

Return type



ValueError – If the last two characters of the provided column names are not integers.


>>> check_adjacent_temp_group_column_names('TEMP01', 'TEMP02')
>>> check_adjacent_temp_group_column_names('TEMP01', 'TEMP03')
>>> check_adjacent_temp_group_column_names('TEMP01', 'TEMP1')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: The values found in the last two ... temp_col_left: TEMP01, ...
wip.datatools.ml_filters.clean_data(datasets: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame], df_sql: pd.DataFrame, skip_transformations: bool = False, datasets_filepath: str = PosixPath('/home/runner/work/peloptimize/peloptimize/outputs/errors/datasets_after_cleaning.joblib'), df_sql_filepath: str = PosixPath('/home/runner/work/peloptimize/peloptimize/outputs/errors/df_sql_after_cleaning.joblib'), constant_tags_summary_filepath: str | None = None, **kwargs) Dict[str, pd.DataFrame][source]#

Clean and transform input datasets according to specified rules.

This function performs a series of cleaning and transformation operations on given datasets and an SQL data frame. It can optionally skip transformations, apply specific filters, drop or add tags based on configurations, and output the processed datasets to a specified path.

It also generates a constant tags summary report.

  • datasets (Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]) – A dictionary where keys are model names and values are their corresponding DataFrame.

  • df_sql (pd.DataFrame) – A pandas.DataFrame containing SQL data relevant to the models in the datasets.

  • skip_transformations (bool, optional) – Flag to skip all transformation operations, default is False.

  • datasets_filepath (str, optional) – File path for saving the cleaned datasets, default is DATASETS_CLEAN_FILEPATH.

  • df_sql_filepath (str, optional) – File path for saving the cleaned SQL DataFrame, default is DF_SQL_CLEAN_FILEPATH.

  • constant_tags_summary_filepath (str or None, optional) – File path for saving the constant tags summary reports, default is None, which sets it to DATA_CHECKS_FOLDER_PATH/constant_tags_summary.xlsx.

  • **kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments for cleaning configurations. Supported keywords: - drop_models: List of model names to be dropped from datasets. - tags_to_drop: List of tags to be removed from the datasets. - tags_to_add: List of tags to be added from the SQL data to the datasets. - tag_filters: List of tag filters to apply to the datasets.


The cleaned and optionally transformed datasets as a dictionary.

Return type

Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]


Exception – If an error occurs during the generation of the constant tags summary report.


The cleaning process involves dropping specified models, removing or adding tags, applying various data filters, and handling specific cleaning tasks like clipping negative values or filtering based on temperature groups.

wip.datatools.ml_filters.clip_negative_values(datasets: Dict[str, DataFrame], negative_rate_limit: float = 0.05, verbose: bool = True) Dict[str, DataFrame][source]#

Clip negative values in datasets.

  • datasets (Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]) – Dictionary of datasets to clip negative values.

  • negative_rate_limit (float, optional) – Maximum rate of negative values in a column to be clipped, by default 0.05. In other words, if less than 5% of the values in a column are negative, they’ll be clipped to 0.

  • verbose (bool, default True) – If True, prints the name of the column being clipped.


Dictionary of datasets with negative values clipped.

Return type

Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]

wip.datatools.ml_filters.datasets_filter(datasets: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame], tags_limits: Dict[str, Dict[str, float | bool]]) Dict[str, pd.DataFrame][source]#

Filter or replace values from DataFrames in datasets using tags limits.

This function iterates over specified tags and their corresponding limits, and either filters or replaces rows in each DataFrame of the input datasets.

The rows retained are those for which the value of each specified tag is within the specified quantile or value limits. This operation is performed in-place, and the function returns the modified datasets.

  • datasets (Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]) – Dictionary containing model names as keys and associated DataFrames as values. The DataFrames should contain columns corresponding to the keys in tags_limits.

  • tags_limits (Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]) –

    Dictionary with tag names as keys. The associated value for each key is another dictionary with the following possible keys:

    • ”min”: lower bound to use for filtering data.

    • ”max”: upper bound to use for filtering data.

    • ”replace”: whether function should filter or replace values.

    • ”quantile”: whether “min” and “max” keys are percentiles or actual bounds.

    • ”mode”: when “replace” is set to True, this key determines the operation that will be used to calculate the replacement value to use. Possible options are: “mean”, “median”, “max”, “min”, “mode”, “i%”, where i is a number between 0 and 100 and “i%” represents a percentile.

    For example:

    tags_limits = {
        "tag1": {"min": 0.25, "max": 0.75, "quantile": True},
        "tag2": {"min": 5, "quantile": False},
        "tag3": {"max": 45, "quantile": False}
        "tag4": {"max": 45, "quantile": False, "replace": True},
        "tag5": {"max": 45, "replace": True},
        "tag6": {"max": 45, "replace": True, "mode": "median"},
        "tag7": {"max": 45, "replace": True, "mode": "50%"},


Dictionary containing the modified DataFrames with rows either filtered or replaced based on the specified tags_limits dictionary.

Return type

Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]


Consider a scenario with datasets containing two DataFrames ‘model1’ and ‘model2’, and we want to filter rows based on quantiles for tags ‘tag1’ and ‘tag2’:

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> data1 = {'tag1': [1, 2, 3], 'tag2': [4, 5, 6]}
>>> data2 = {'tag1': [7, 8, 9], 'tag2': [10, 11, 12]}
>>> datasets = {'model1': pd.DataFrame(data1), 'model2': pd.DataFrame(data2)}
>>> tags_limits = {
...     'tag1': {'min': 0.10, 'max': 0.90},
...     'tag2': {'max': 11, 'quantile': False}
... }
>>> print(
...     {
...         model_name: df.to_dict('list')  # noqa
...         for model_name, df in datasets_filter(datasets, tags_limits).items()
...     }
... )
{'model1': {'tag1': [2], 'tag2': [5]}, 'model2': {'tag1': [8], 'tag2': [11]}}

In this example, filtered_datasets will contain ‘model1’ and ‘model2’ DataFrames with rows filtered according to the quantile limits for ‘tag1’ and ‘tag2’.

wip.datatools.ml_filters.drop_tags(datasets: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame], tags_to_drop: List[str | Dict[str, List[str]]]) Dict[str, pd.DataFrame][source]#

Drop specified columns from DataFrames unless they’re the target column.

This function iterates through a list of tags and drops the corresponding columns from the specified DataFrames in the input dictionary. If the tag is the target column (last column) of a DataFrame, it won’t be dropped and a warning is logged.

  • datasets (Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]) – Dictionary with keys as model names (or any descriptive string) and values as pandas DataFrames. Each DataFrame is processed to drop the specified tags unless they are the target column.

  • tags_to_drop (List[str | Dict[str, List[str]]]) – List of column names (tags) to be dropped from the DataFrames, or dictionary with the tag as the key and a list of models to drop the tag from as values.


Dictionary of DataFrames, identical to the input, but with the specified tags dropped, unless they were the target column.

Return type

Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]

wip.datatools.ml_filters.fill_all_missing_columns(dataset: DataFrame) DataFrame[source]#

Fill columns that contain only NaN values with zeros.


dataset (pd.DataFrame) – DataFrame to be processed.


DataFrame with columns that only contain NaN values filled with zeros.

Return type


wip.datatools.ml_filters.fill_empty_columns(datasets: Dict[str, DataFrame]) Dict[str, DataFrame][source]#

Fill DataFrame columns that have only NaN values with zeros.

For each DataFrame in the provided dictionary, this function identifies columns that have NaN values for all rows and replaces them with zeros. A log is generated detailing which columns in which DataFrames were altered.


datasets (Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]) – Dictionary with keys as model names (or any descriptive string) and values as pandas DataFrames. Each DataFrame is checked for columns that are entirely NaN and these columns are filled with zeros.


Dictionary of DataFrames, identical to the input but with columns that were entirely NaN filled with zeros.

Return type

Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]


This function modifies the input DataFrames in place but also returns the modified DataFrames for convenience.

Logging is performed for tracking which DataFrames (by their keys in the input dictionary) had columns filled with zeros.


>>> import pandas as pd
>>> datasets = {"modelA": pd.DataFrame({"A": [1, 2], "B": [None, None]}),
...             "modelB": pd.DataFrame({"A": [None, None], "B": [3, 4]})}
>>> filled_datasets = fill_empty_columns(datasets)
>>> filled_datasets["modelA"]
   A    B
0  1  0.0
1  2  0.0
wip.datatools.ml_filters.filter_bentonita_datasets(datasets: dict) dict[source]#

datasets (dict) –

Return type


wip.datatools.ml_filters.filter_inf(datasets: Dict[str, DataFrame]) Dict[str, DataFrame][source]#

Filter out rows with any value equal to np.inf or -np.inf.


datasets (Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]) – Dictionary with dataframes to filter row values equal to infinity.


Dictionary of dataframes without rows with values equal to infinity.

Return type

Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]

wip.datatools.ml_filters.filter_quantile(data: DataFrame, tag_name: str, low_bound: float = 0.02, up_bound: float = 0.98) DataFrame[source]#

Filter a DataFrame based on the quantiles of a specific column.

This function returns a subset of the given DataFrame df such that the values of the column with the name tag_name lie between the low_bound and up_bound percentiles of the original DataFrame.

  • data (pd.DataFrame) – DataFrame to be filtered.

  • tag_name (str) – Name of the column based on whose quantiles the DataFrame is to be filtered.

  • low_bound (float, optional) – Lower percentiles value, between 0 and 1 (default is 0.02).

  • up_bound (float, optional) – Upper percentiles value, between 0 and 1 (default is 0.98).


DataFrame after being filtered based on the percentiles of the column tag_name.

Return type



Suppose we have a DataFrame df:

>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 'B': [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]})
>>> print(df)
   A   B
0  1  10
1  2  20
2  3  30
3  4  40
4  5  50
>>> filtered_df = filter_quantile(df, 'A', 0.25, 0.75)
>>> print(filtered_df)
   A   B
1  2  20
2  3  30
3  4  40
wip.datatools.ml_filters.filter_quantile_datasets(datasets: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame], tag_name: str, low_bound: float | None = None, up_bound: float | None = None) Dict[str, pd.DataFrame][source]#

Filter all DataFrames in a dictionary based on the quantiles of a column.

This function applies the filter_quantile function to each DataFrame in the datasets dictionary where the column with the name tag_name exists. The updated DataFrames are then returned in a dictionary with the same structure as datasets.

  • datasets (Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]) – A dictionary where keys are model names (str) and values are corresponding DataFrames (pd.DataFrame).

  • tag_name (str) – Name of the column based on whose quantiles the DataFrames are to be filtered.

  • low_bound (float | None) – Lower quantile value, between 0 and 1 (default is 0).

  • up_bound (float | None) – Upper quantile value, between 0 and 1 (default is 1).


Dictionary of DataFrames after being filtered based on the quantiles of the column tag_name.

Return type

Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]


Let’s assume we have a dictionary of DataFrames datasets:

>>> datasets = {
...     'model1': pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 'B': [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]}),
...     'model2': pd.DataFrame({'A': [6, 7, 8, 9, 10], 'B': [60, 70, 80, 90, 100]})
... }

Let’s filter datasets based on the 0.25 and 0.75 quantiles of column ‘A’:

>>> filtered_datasets = filter_quantile_datasets(datasets, 'A', 0.25, 0.75)
>>> for model_name, df in filtered_datasets.items():
...     print(f"Model: {model_name}")
...     print(df)
Model: model1
   A   B
1  2  20
2  3  30
3  4  40
Model: model2
   A   B
1  7  70
2  8  80
3  9  90
wip.datatools.ml_filters.filter_status(dataset: DataFrame) DataFrame[source]#

Filter out rows with a ‘status’ value not equal to 1 in a dataset.

This function finds models associated with the ‘status’ tag in the provided dataset, and removes rows where ‘status’ isn’t equal to 1. The ‘status’ column is then dropped from the DataFrame afterward.


dataset (pd.DataFrame) – A dataset that contains a column named ‘status’ to filter.


The transformed dataset with rows removed where ‘status’ != 1, and with the ‘status’ column dropped.

Return type



This function uses the query method of pandas’ DataFrame to filter rows. It only affects datasets that have the ‘status’ tag associated with them.

wip.datatools.ml_filters.filter_tag(datasets: Dict[str, DataFrame], tag_name: str, low_bound=None, up_bound=None) Dict[str, DataFrame][source]#

Filter all DataFrames in a dictionary based on the quantiles of a column.

  • datasets (Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]) – A dictionary where keys are model names (str) and values are corresponding.

  • tag_name (str) – Name of the column based on whose quantiles the DataFrames are to be filtered.

  • low_bound (float, optional) – Lower quantile value, between 0 and 1.

  • up_bound (float, optional) – Upper quantile value, between 0 and 1.


Dictionary of DataFrames after being filtered based on the quantiles of the column tag_name.

Return type

Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]

wip.datatools.ml_filters.filter_temperature_groups(datasets: Dict[str, DataFrame], df_sql: DataFrame, reduced_limits: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]] = None, normal_limits: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]] = None) Dict[str, DataFrame][source]#

Replace values from temperature groups tags outside its safety limits.

For each production range, this function determines which values from a given tag are outside its established safety limits. Then it replaces these values with the average of all values that are within the safety limits for that production range for that tag.

  • datasets (Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]) – Dictionary with dataframes to filter temperature groups.

  • df_sql (pd.DataFrame) – A pandas.Dataframe with all available tags.

  • reduced_limits (Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]]) – The reduced production range temperature limits. These limits are applied for rows where the column `’PROD_PQ_Y@08US’ is between 700 and 750.

  • normal_limits (Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]]) – The normal production range temperature limits. These limits are applied for rows where the column `’PROD_PQ_Y@08US’ is between 750 and 1000.


Updated dictionary of dataframes.

Return type

Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]


ValueError – If for a given tag and production range, no values within the safety limits exist. If this occurs, then the average value calculated will return NaN, which can’t be used to replace the values outside the safety limits.

wip.datatools.ml_filters.find_models_by_partial_name(datasets: Dict[str, DataFrame], model_name_pattern: str) List[str][source]#

Find model names in the datasets that match the provided pattern.

This function takes a model name pattern as input and matches it against the model names in the provided datasets. The pattern can be a substring to match anywhere in the model name, or it can start or end with an asterisk (*) to match at the beginning or end of the model name.

  • datasets (Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]) – A dictionary where keys are model names and values are pandas DataFrames. Each DataFrame represents a dataset corresponding to a particular model.

  • model_name_pattern (str) – A string representing the model name pattern to match against the dataset names. This can be a substring to match anywhere, or start or end with an ‘*’ to match at the beginning or end of the model name.


A list of model names from the datasets that match the provided pattern.

Return type



This function converts the model names and pattern to lowercase before matching. Therefore, the matching is case-insensitive.


>>> datasets = {
...     "model1": pd.DataFrame(),
...     "model2": pd.DataFrame(),
...     "sample1": pd.DataFrame()
... }
>>> matched_models = find_models_by_partial_name(datasets, "*1")
>>> print(matched_models)
['model1', 'sample1']
wip.datatools.ml_filters.find_models_by_partial_names(datasets: Dict[str, DataFrame], model_name_patterns: List[str]) List[str][source]#

Find model names in the datasets that match any of the provided patterns.

This function takes a list of model name patterns as input and matches each pattern against the model names in the provided datasets. The matched model names are then returned as a list.

  • datasets (Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]) – A dictionary where keys are model names and values are pandas DataFrames. Each DataFrame represents a dataset corresponding to a particular model.

  • model_name_patterns (List[str]) – A list of strings representing the model name patterns to match against the dataset names. Each pattern can be a substring to match anywhere, or start or end with an ‘*’ to match at the beginning or end of the model name.


A list of model names from the datasets that match any of the provided patterns.

Return type



This function uses the find_models_by_partial_name function to match each pattern against the model names. It then eliminates any duplicates from the matched names.


>>> datasets = {
...     "model1": pd.DataFrame(),
...     "model2": pd.DataFrame(),
...     "sample1": pd.DataFrame()
... }
>>> matched_models = find_models_by_partial_names(datasets, ["*1", "*2"])
>>> print(matched_models)
['model1', 'sample1', 'model2']
wip.datatools.ml_filters.find_models_by_partial_tag(tag_pattern: str, datasets: Dict[str, DataFrame]) List[str][source]#

Return the names of models that contain a given tag pattern in their columns.

  • tag_pattern (str) – The pattern to search for in the columns of the dataframes.

  • datasets (dict of str, DataFrame) – A dictionary where keys are the names of models and values are pandas.DataFrame objects. It’s assumed that each DataFrame has columns that could match the provided tag pattern.


The names of the models that contain the given tag pattern in any of their respective DataFrame columns.

Return type

list of str

wip.datatools.ml_filters.find_models_by_tag(tag_name: str, datasets: Dict[str, DataFrame]) List[str][source]#

Find models that have a particular tag in their corresponding DataFrame.

This function iterates over the datasets dictionary where keys are model names and values are DataFrames. It returns a list of all models whose DataFrame contains tag_name as one of its columns.

  • tag_name (str) – Tag (column name) to search for in the datasets.

  • datasets (dict, optional) – A dictionary where keys are model names (str) and values are corresponding DataFrames (pd.DataFrame). If not specified, the default datasets dictionary is used.


A list with model names which have tag_name in their corresponding DataFrame.

Return type



Let’s assume we have a dictionary of DataFrames datasets:

>>> datasets = {
...     'model1': pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2, 3], 'B': [4, 5, 6]}),
...     'model2': pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2, 3], 'C': [4, 5, 6]}),
...     'model3': pd.DataFrame({'B': [1, 2, 3], 'C': [4, 5, 6]})
... }

We can find models that have column ‘A’:

>>> print(find_models_by_tag('A', datasets))
['model1', 'model2']

And models that have column ‘C’:

>>> print(find_models_by_tag('C', datasets))
['model2', 'model3']
wip.datatools.ml_filters.find_models_by_tags(tags_names: List[str], datasets: Dict[str, DataFrame]) List[str][source]#

Return the names of models that contain all given tags.

  • tags_names (list of str) – The names of the tags to search for in the dataframes.

  • datasets (dict of str, DataFrame) – A dictionary where keys are the names of models and values are pandas.DataFrame objects. It’s assumed that each DataFrame has columns that could match the provided tag names.


The names of the models that contain all the given tag names in their respective DataFrame.

Return type

list of str

wip.datatools.ml_filters.fix_pres_tag(datasets: Dict[str, DataFrame]) Dict[str, DataFrame][source]#

Fix the “PRES6_I@08QU-HO-851I-01” tag.


datasets (Dict[str, DataFrame]) –

Return type

Dict[str, DataFrame]

wip.datatools.ml_filters.get_column_values_from_datasets(column: str, datasets: Dict[str, DataFrame]) DataFrame[source]#

Concatenate column values from multiple datasets into a single DataFrame.

This function filters and aggregates specified column values from multiple pandas.DataFrames within a dictionary, indexed by model names. It ensures that the final DataFrame does not have duplicate indices by keeping the last occurrence and sorts the index in ascending order. The data is also rounded to two decimal places for uniformity.

  • column (str) – The name of the column to extract from each DataFrame.

  • datasets (Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]) – A dictionary mapping model names to their respective pandas.DataFrame.


A pandas.DataFrame containing the aggregated column values from the provided datasets. The DataFrame is indexed by the model names, sorted, and with duplicates removed.

Return type



>>> datasets = {'model1': pd.DataFrame({'A': [1.111, 2.222]}),
...             'model2': pd.DataFrame({'A': [3.333, 4.444]})}
>>> get_column_values_from_datasets('A', datasets)
0  3.33
1  4.44


The main reason for creating this function is to make sure that we can collect all the relevant data for a certain tag. Different filters and transformations are applied to each DataFrame values from the datasets dictionary. This might end up making some tag values to have different shapes depending on which key from datasets we use to select its values. By combining all values from every dataset that uses the tag, and making sure that we’re not duplicating indexes, allows us to retrieve and operate on all available data.

wip.datatools.ml_filters.get_most_recent_values(datasets: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame], column: str, faixa: str | None = None, n_most: int = 15) pd.Series[source]#

Get the n_most recent records of column for production range faixa.

  • datasets (Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]) – Dictionary containing the data from all models datasets.

  • column (str) – Column to retrieve the last values from.

  • faixa (str | None, default None) – Which production ranges to retrieve the n_most records of column from. If None, retrieve the last n_most records, not considering a production range.

  • n_most (int default=15) – How many records to retrieve for column.


A pandas.Series with the n_most records for column that have faixa production range.

Return type


wip.datatools.ml_filters.get_production(datasets: Dict[str, DataFrame]) Series[source]#

Extract unique production PQ indexes within a specified range from datasets.

This function sifts through a collection of datasets to identify and operate on those that include the ‘PROD_PQ_Y@08US’ column. It applies a filtering based on the specified minimum and maximum range values, range_min and range_max, on the ‘PROD_PQ_Y@08US’ column to select relevant rows. The indexes of these rows are then gathered across all qualifying datasets, consolidated into a single series, deduplicated, and returned as a pandas DatetimeIndex.


datasets (Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]) – A mapping of dataset names (strings) to pandas DataFrame objects. Each DataFrame contains one or more datasets with various columns, of which ‘PROD_PQ_Y@08US’ is targeted for filtering.


A DatetimeIndex composed of unique indexes from all rows across the filtered datasets where the ‘PROD_PQ_Y@08US’ values lie within the specified range.

Return type


wip.datatools.ml_filters.get_production_pc(datasets: Dict[str, DataFrame]) Series[source]#

Extract unique production PC indexes from multiple datasets.

This function iterates through a dictionary of datasets, filtering for those that contain the 'PROD_PC_I@08US' column. It then filters these datasets based on a minimum value (range_min) and extracts their indexes. These indexes are then concatenated, deduplicated, and returned as a pandas DatetimeIndex object.


datasets (Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]) – A dictionary where keys are dataset names (str) and values are pandas DataFrames. Each DataFrame should represent a different dataset.


A DatetimeIndex containing unique indexes from all filtered datasets where the ‘PROD_PC_I@08US’ values are equal to or greater than range_min.

Return type


See also


Access a group of rows and columns by the label(s) or a boolean array.


Concatenate pandas objects along a particular axis with optional set logic along the other axes.


Build optimization problem restrictions.

wip.datatools.ml_filters.get_replacement_value(filtered_data: Series, mode: str = 'mean') float[source]#

Determine the replacement value based on a given mode.

This function calculates the replacement value from the filtered_data series based on the specified mode. The mode can be: - “median”: Median of the filtered values. - “mode”: Mode of the filtered values. - “min”: Minimum of the filtered values. - “max”: Maximum of the filtered values. - “i%” where i is a number between 0 and 100 that represents the

percentile of the filtered values to use as the replacement value. For example, "75%" will return the 75th percentile of the filtered values.

  • filtered_data (pd.Series) – The data series from which the replacement value is to be calculated.

  • mode (str {"mean", "median", "min", "max", "i%"}, default "mean") – The method used to determine the replacement value.


The calculated replacement value.

Return type



ValueError – If the provided mode is not one of the recognized modes, or if an invalid percentile value is given.

wip.datatools.ml_filters.mod_filtros(data: DataFrame, model_name: str, target_column: str) DataFrame[source]#

Apply specific filters to the data based on the model name and target column.

This function identifies the model name and applies the appropriate filter to the data in the target column. After applying the filter, it returns the filtered DataFrame.

  • data (pd.DataFrame) – The DataFrame to be filtered. It should include the target column.

  • model_name (str) – The name of the model, which determines the filter to be applied.

  • target_column (str) – The name of the column in ‘data’ that the filter is to be applied to. This column represents the target variable, and is usually the last column in the DataFrame.


The filtered DataFrame.

Return type



This function applies model-specific filters based on the model_name: - “cm1”: Filters rows where “corpo_moedor_especifico_1” > 0. - “torque”: Filters rows where target_column >= 3000. - “energia_prensa”: Filters rows where target_column >= 0.15. - “finos”: Filters rows where target_column <= 1.5. - “compressao”: Filters rows where target_column > 200. - Otherwise: Filters rows where target_column > 0.

wip.datatools.ml_filters.multi_merge(dataframes: List[DataFrame], **merge_kwargs) DataFrame[source]#

Merge multiple DataFrames into a single DataFrame using specified kwargs.

This function takes a list of pandas DataFrames and reduces them into a single DataFrame by consecutively merging them from left to right using the pd.merge function. The merging parameters can be customized via merge_kwargs.

  • dataframes (List[pd.DataFrame]) – A list of pandas DataFrames to be merged.

  • **merge_kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments to be passed to pd.merge for customizing the merge behavior, such as ‘on’, ‘how’, ‘suffixes’, etc.


A DataFrame resulting from the consecutive merging of the input DataFrames according to the specified merge parameters.

Return type


See also


Merge DataFrame objects with a database-style join.

wip.datatools.ml_filters.non_zero_filter(datasets: Dict[str, DataFrame], tag_names: List[str]) Dict[str, DataFrame][source]#

Filter out rows with non-positive values for specified tags in datasets.

This function traverses through the datasets and filters out the rows where the values corresponding to the specified tag names are non-positive. This operation is performed in-place, meaning the original DataFrames in the datasets are modified. The function returns the modified datasets.

  • datasets (Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]) – Dictionary containing model names as keys and corresponding DataFrames as values. The function expects the DataFrames to have columns corresponding to the tag_names provided.

  • tag_names (List[str]) – List of strings representing the tag names to be considered for filtering rows in the DataFrames. Rows with non-positive values for these tags will be filtered out.


Dictionary containing the modified DataFrames with rows having non-positive values for the specified tags filtered out.

Return type

Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]


The find_models_by_tag function is used internally to determine which models (i.e., keys of the datasets dictionary) are associated with each tag name. This implies that find_models_by_tag needs to be correctly implemented and available in the scope of this function.


Suppose we have a dataset dictionary with two DataFrames ‘model1’ and ‘model2’, and we want to filter out rows with non-positive values for the tags ‘tag1’ and ‘tag2’:

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> data1 = {'tag1': [1, -1, 3], 'tag2': [4, 5, 6]}
>>> data2 = {'tag1': [0, 2, 3], 'tag2': [-1, 8, 9]}
>>> datasets = {'model1': pd.DataFrame(data1), 'model2': pd.DataFrame(data2)}
>>> tag_names = ['tag1', 'tag2']
>>> filtered_datasets = non_zero_filter(datasets, tag_names)

Now, filtered_datasets will contain the modified ‘model1’ and ‘model2’ DataFrames with non-positive values for ‘tag1’ and ‘tag2’ filtered out.

wip.datatools.ml_filters.pattern_filter(name: str, model_name_pattern: str) bool[source]#

Determine if a name matches a given model_name_pattern.

This function is designed to filter names based on a specific pattern. The pattern can start or end with an asterisk (*) which denotes a wildcard. The pattern without the wildcard should be a substring at the respective position in the name to be considered a match.

  • name (str) – The name to be checked against the pattern.

  • model_name_pattern (str) – The pattern to which the name should be compared. It can start or end with an asterisk (*) to denote a wildcard at the beginning or the end respectively.


True if the name matches the model name pattern, otherwise False.

Return type



>>> pattern_filter("testmodel", "test*")
>>> pattern_filter("testmodel", "*model")
>>> pattern_filter("testmodel", "model")
wip.datatools.ml_filters.replace_values(dataset: pd.DataFrame, column: str, mode: str = 'mean', low_bound: float | int | None = None, up_bound: float | int | None = None) pd.DataFrame[source]#

Replace values in a dataset column based on specified bounds.

For the values in the specified column of the dataset that fall outside the range defined by low_bound and up_bound, this function replaces them with a value determined by the mode parameter.

The mode parameter determines the operation performed on the filtered out values. For example, if mode is set to “mean”, the mean of the filtered values is used as the replacement value.

  • dataset (pd.DataFrame) – The dataset in which values are to be replaced.

  • column (str) – The name of the column in the dataset where values are to be replaced.

  • mode (str {"mean", "median", "min", "max", "i%"}, default "mean") –

    The method used to determine the replacement value. Other potential methods could be: - “median”: Median of the filtered values. - “mode”: Mode of the filtered values. - “min”: Minimum of the filtered values. - “max”: Maximum of the filtered values. - “i%” where i is a number between 0 and 100 that represents the

    percentile of the filtered values to use as the replacement value.

  • low_bound (float | int | None, optional) – The lower bound for the range of acceptable values in the column. If None, no lower bound is set. At least one of the parameters low_bound or up_bound must be set.

  • up_bound (float | int | None, optional) – The upper bound for the range of acceptable values in the column. If None, no upper bound is set. At least one of the parameters low_bound or up_bound must be set.


The dataset with values in the specified column replaced according to the given conditions.

Return type


  • ValueError – If neither low_bound nor up_bound is set.

  • TypeError – If column is not of type string or hashable.

  • KeyError – If column does not exist inside the dataset.

wip.datatools.ml_filters.replace_values_by_mean(datasets: Dict[str, DataFrame], tag_names: List[str], lower_bound: Union[float, int]) Dict[str, DataFrame][source]#

Replace values in specified columns of DataFrames with the column mean.

For each name in tag_names, this function identifies the associated models and replaces the columns values, which are below a given lower_bound or are NaN, with the mean of the non-NaN values in the respective column.

  • datasets (Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]) – A dictionary containing DataFrames with different model names as keys.

  • tag_names (List[str]) – A list of strings representing the names of the columns in the DataFrames to be processed.

  • lower_bound (Union[float, int]) – The lower bound threshold value. If a value in the specified column is below this value or is NaN, it will be replaced by the average non-NaN values of that column.


A dictionary containing the modified DataFrames.

Return type

Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]


The function modifies the input DataFrames in-place but also returns the modified DataFrames in a dictionary. The find_models_by_tag is a function that should be defined elsewhere in your code, which searches for models in the provided datasets using the tag and returns the names of found models.


>>> datasets = {"model1": pd.DataFrame({"tag1": [1, 2, np.nan, 4]})}
>>> modified_datasets = replace_values_by_mean(datasets, ["tag1"], 2)
>>> modified_datasets["model1"]["tag1"].tolist()
[2.3333333333333335, 2, 2.3333333333333335, 4]
wip.datatools.ml_filters.replace_values_datasets(datasets: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame], tag_name: str, mode: str = 'mean', low_bound: float | None = None, up_bound: float | None = None, is_quantile: bool = False) Dict[str, pd.DataFrame][source]#

Replace values in specified column of each DataFrame from a dictionary.

This function iterates over the models that have the specified tag in their DataFrame, retrieves the dataset for each model, and calls the replace_values function to replace the values in the specified column based on the provided bounds and mode. The function then updates the dictionary of datasets with the modified DataFrame for each model.

  • datasets (Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]) – A dictionary containing model names as keys and associated DataFrames as values.

  • tag_name (str) – The name of the column in the dataset where values are to be replaced.

  • mode (str {'mean', 'i%', 'min', 'max', 'median', 'mode'}, default 'mean') – The method used to determine the replacement value.

  • low_bound (float | None) – The lower bound for the range of acceptable values in the column.

  • up_bound (float | None) – The upper bound for the range of acceptable values in the column.

  • is_quantile (bool, default False) – Indicates whether the bounds are quantiles or actual bounds.


  • The dictionary containing the modified DataFrames with values replaced in

  • the specified column based on the provided `bounds` and mode.

Return type

Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]