
Defines the quantile_limits dictionary.

The dictionary quantile_limits has key-value pairs where each key is a string representing a parameter or process variable, and each value is another dictionary with two key-value pairs:

  1. "min": This key is associated with a float value (between 0 and 1), representing the quantile to use for calculating the lower bound for an element of the optimization problem.

  2. "max": This key is associated with a float value (between 0 and 1), representing the quantile to use for calculating the upper bound for an element of the optimization problem.

It is important to note that defining both min and max isn’t obligatory. The quantile_limits dictionary also accepts a single key-value pair, where only one of the keys ("min" or "max") is defined.

In such cases, the other key is set to their minimum or maximum theoretical values:

  • min: 0.0

  • max: 1.0