Source code for iowa_forecast.load_data

BigQuery Data Loading and Feature Engineering Module.

This module provides functions to load, process, and prepare data for
time series forecasting using Google BigQuery. The module includes
utilities for creating training datasets, generating forecast features,
and handling date offsets and item filters.

* `date_offset`: generate a pandas DateOffset based on the given frequency and value.

* `get_item_names_filter`: generate a "WHERE" clause component to filter values
  from column `"item_name"`.

* `get_min_datapoints_filter`: generate a "WHERE" clause to filter items that
  have at least `min_size` observations.

* `get_training_data`: retrieve data from BigQuery and create a training data view.

* `get_year_weather_query`: generate an SQL query to retrieve weather data for
  a specific year and state.

* `get_weather_query`: generate an SQL query to retrieve weather data for
  a given date range.

* `create_forecast_features_query`: generate an SQL query to create forecast
  features by joining forecast tables.

* `create_future_data`: create future data features using training, test,
  and forecast data.

* `create_future_feature_table`: create a forecast table for a specific model
  and save the forecast results.

* `create_future_feature_tables`: create forecast tables for multiple columns
  and save the forecast results.

This module is designed to work with Google BigQuery and requires a valid
BigQuery client instance. The functions in this module focus on preparing
data for time series forecasting in various business contexts.

See Also
Google BigQuery:
BigQuery ML:
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import List

import google
import pandas as pd
from import bigquery
from rich.progress import track

from iowa_forecast.utils import list_tables_with_pattern, date_offset

[docs]def get_item_names_filter(items_list: List[str] | str) -> str: """ Generate a `"WHERE"` clause component to filter values from column `"item_name"`. Parameters ---------- items_list : List[str] | str Item name or names to add to the `"WHERE"` clause component. Returns ------- str The `"WHERE"` clause component that can be used to filter values from column `"item_name"`. Examples -------- >>> print(get_item_names_filter("FIVE O'CLOCK VODKA")) (item_name = "FIVE O'CLOCK VODKA") >>> print(get_item_names_filter(['FIREBALL CINNAMON WHISKEY', 'BLACK VELVET'])) (item_name = "FIREBALL CINNAMON WHISKEY" OR item_name = "BLACK VELVET") """ if isinstance(items_list, str): items_list = [items_list] return "(" + " OR ".join(f'item_name = "{item_name}"' for item_name in items_list) + ")"
[docs]def get_min_datapoints_filter(min_size: int) -> str: """ Generate a `"WHERE"` clause to filter items that have at least `min_size` observations. Parameters ---------- min_size : int Minimum number of observations to use as value for the `"WHERE"` clause. Returns ------- str The `"WHERE"` clause component. """ return f""" WHERE example_count >= {min_size} AND DATE_DIFF(last_sale_date, first_sale_date, DAY) >= {min_size} """
[docs]def get_training_data( client: bigquery.Client, table_name: str = 'bqmlforecast.training_data', start_date: str | None = None, end_date: str | None = None, offset: int | None = None, freq: str = "years", min_datapoints_rate: float = 0.75, items_list: str | List[str] | None = None, base_table: str = "bigquery-public-data.iowa_liquor_sales.sales", ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Retrieve data from BigQuery and create a training data view. This function constructs an SQL query to create a view in BigQuery, filters sales data based on the specified date range and conditions, and retrieves the filtered data as a pandas DataFrame. Parameters ---------- client : bigquery.Client BigQuery client object. table_name : str, default='bqmlforecast.training_data' The name of the table to store the training data view. start_date : str, optional The start date for filtering data in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format. If `None`, the start date is determined by one of the following ways: end_date : str, optional The end date for filtering data in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format. If `None`, the end date is determined by one of the following ways: * If `offset` is not `None`: then `end_date` equals `start_date` + `offset` * If `offset` is `None`: then `end_date` is today's date. offset : int, optional The offset value to calculate the start or end date. freq : str, default='years' The frequency type for the offset calculation. min_datapoints_rate : float, default=0.75 The fraction of days between `end_date` and `start_date` that each item from 'item_name' column should have of data points to be considered in the created table. items_list : str | List[str], optional A list of item names or single item name used for filtering the data. base_table : str, default="bigquery-public-data.iowa_liquor_sales.sales" Base table to extract data from. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame A `pandas.DataFrame` containing the filtered sales data. Raises ------ ValueError If none of `start_date`, `end_date`, or `offset` are specified. If `start_date` > `end_date`. """ if not any([start_date, end_date, offset]): raise ValueError( "At least one of the following parameters must be specified: " "`start_date`, `end_date` and `offset`." ) if end_date is None: if offset is None: end_date = else: end_date = pd.Timestamp(start_date) + date_offset(offset, freq) elif start_date is None: if offset is None: raise ValueError( "If start_date is None, then `offset` and " "`end_date` must be specified." ) start_date = pd.Timestamp(end_date) - date_offset(offset, freq) start_date_ts = pd.Timestamp(start_date) end_date_ts = pd.Timestamp(end_date) start_date = start_date_ts.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") end_date = end_date_ts.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") days_range = pd.date_range(start_date, end_date, freq="D") where_min_datapoints_query = "" if isinstance(min_datapoints_rate, float): min_data_points = int(min_datapoints_rate * len(days_range)) where_min_datapoints_query = get_min_datapoints_filter(min_data_points) if start_date_ts > end_date_ts: raise ValueError(f"`start_date` > `end_date`: {start_date} > {end_date}") weather_query = get_weather_query(start_date, end_date) filter_items_query = "" if items_list is not None: filter_items_query += f" AND {get_item_names_filter(items_list)}" query = f""" CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE `{table_name}` AS ( WITH date_range AS ( SELECT date FROM UNNEST(GENERATE_DATE_ARRAY(DATE_SUB(DATE('{start_date}'), INTERVAL 60 DAY), '{end_date}', INTERVAL 1 DAY)) AS date ), sales_data AS ( SELECT date, item_description AS item_name, SUM(bottles_sold) AS total_amount_sold, AVG(state_bottle_retail) AS avg_bottle_price, AVG(state_bottle_cost) AS avg_bottle_cost, SUM(volume_sold_liters) AS total_volume_sold_liters, FROM `{base_table}` WHERE bottles_sold > 0 AND sale_dollars > 0 AND city IS NOT NULL GROUP BY date, item_name HAVING date >= DATE_SUB(DATE('{start_date}'), INTERVAL 60 DAY) ), weather_data AS ( {weather_query} ), filtered_sales AS ( SELECT, sd.item_name, COALESCE(sd.total_amount_sold, 0) AS total_amount_sold, COALESCE(sd.avg_bottle_price, 0) AS avg_bottle_price, COALESCE(sd.avg_bottle_cost, 0) AS avg_bottle_cost, COALESCE(sd.total_volume_sold_liters, 0) AS total_volume_sold_liters, COALESCE(wd.temperature, 0) AS temperature, COALESCE(wd.rainfall, 0) AS rainfall, COALESCE(wd.snowfall, 0) AS snowfall FROM date_range dr LEFT JOIN sales_data sd ON = LEFT JOIN weather_data wd ON = ), item_stats AS ( SELECT item_name, COUNT(*) AS example_count, COUNTIF(total_amount_sold > 0) AS sales_days_count, MIN(date) AS first_sale_date, MAX(date) AS last_sale_date FROM filtered_sales GROUP BY item_name ), filtered_items AS ( SELECT item_name FROM item_stats {where_min_datapoints_query} ), filtered_sales_final AS ( SELECT fs.* FROM filtered_sales fs JOIN filtered_items fi ON fs.item_name = fi.item_name ), lag_features AS ( SELECT *, LAG(COALESCE(total_volume_sold_liters, 0), 1) OVER (PARTITION BY item_name ORDER BY date) AS lag_1_total_volume_sold_liters, LAG(COALESCE(total_volume_sold_liters, 0), 7) OVER (PARTITION BY item_name ORDER BY date) AS lag_7_total_volume_sold_liters, FROM filtered_sales_final ), final_features AS ( SELECT *, AVG(COALESCE(total_volume_sold_liters, 0)) OVER (PARTITION BY item_name ORDER BY date ROWS BETWEEN 2 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS ma3_total_volume_sold_liters, AVG(COALESCE(avg_bottle_price, 0)) OVER (PARTITION BY item_name ORDER BY date ROWS BETWEEN 2 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS ma3_avg_bottle_price, AVG(COALESCE(total_volume_sold_liters, 0)) OVER (PARTITION BY item_name ORDER BY date ROWS BETWEEN 6 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS ma7_total_volume_sold_liters, AVG(COALESCE(avg_bottle_price, 0)) OVER (PARTITION BY item_name ORDER BY date ROWS BETWEEN 6 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS ma7_avg_bottle_price, AVG(COALESCE(total_volume_sold_liters, 0)) OVER (PARTITION BY item_name ORDER BY date ROWS BETWEEN 29 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS ma30_total_volume_sold_liters, AVG(COALESCE(avg_bottle_price, 0)) OVER (PARTITION BY item_name ORDER BY date ROWS BETWEEN 29 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS ma30_avg_bottle_price, FROM lag_features ) SELECT date, item_name, ROUND(total_amount_sold, 0) AS total_amount_sold, ROUND(avg_bottle_price, 2) AS avg_bottle_price, ROUND(total_volume_sold_liters, 2) AS total_volume_sold_liters, ROUND(avg_bottle_cost, 2) AS avg_bottle_cost, EXTRACT(DAYOFWEEK FROM date) AS day_of_week, EXTRACT(WEEK FROM date) AS week_of_year, EXTRACT(MONTH FROM date) AS month, EXTRACT(YEAR FROM date) AS year, ROUND(ma3_total_volume_sold_liters, 2) AS ma3_total_volume_sold_liters, ROUND(ma3_avg_bottle_price, 2) AS ma3_avg_bottle_price, ROUND(ma7_total_volume_sold_liters, 2) AS ma7_total_volume_sold_liters, ROUND(ma7_avg_bottle_price, 2) AS ma7_avg_bottle_price, ROUND(ma30_total_volume_sold_liters, 2) AS ma30_total_volume_sold_liters, ROUND(ma30_avg_bottle_price, 2) AS ma30_avg_bottle_price, ROUND(temperature, 2) AS temperature, (CASE WHEN rainfall IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE ROUND(rainfall, 2) END) AS rainfall, (CASE WHEN snowfall IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE ROUND(snowfall, 2) END) AS snowfall, lag_1_total_volume_sold_liters, lag_7_total_volume_sold_liters, FROM final_features WHERE date BETWEEN DATE('{start_date}') AND DATE('{end_date}') AND item_name IS NOT NULL AND lag_7_total_volume_sold_liters IS NOT NULL AND lag_1_total_volume_sold_liters IS NOT NULL {filter_items_query} ORDER BY item_name, date ) """ query_job = client.query(query) print(query_job.result()) return client.query(f"SELECT * FROM `{table_name}`").to_dataframe()
[docs]def get_year_weather_query(year: int, state: str = "IA") -> str: """ Generate an SQL query to retrieve weather data for a specific year and state. Parameters ---------- year : int The year for which to retrieve weather data. state : str, default="IA" The state code for which to retrieve weather data. Returns ------- str SQL query string to retrieve the weather data. """ return f""" SELECT date, AVG(temp) AS temperature, AVG(CASE WHEN prcp = 999.9 THEN 0 ELSE prcp END) AS rainfall, AVG(CASE WHEN sndp = 999.9 THEN 0 ELSE sndp END) AS snowfall FROM `bigquery-public-data.noaa_gsod.gsod{year}` WHERE stn IN (SELECT usaf FROM `bigquery-public-data.noaa_gsod.stations` WHERE state = '{state}') GROUP BY date """
[docs]def get_weather_query(start_date: str, end_date: str, state: str = "IA") -> str: """ Generate an SQL query to retrieve weather data for a given date range. Parameters ---------- start_date : str The start date for the weather data in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format. end_date : str The end date for the weather data in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format. state : str, default="IA" The state code for which to retrieve weather data. Returns ------- str SQL query string to retrieve the weather data. """ years = {date.year for date in pd.date_range(start_date, end_date, freq="D")} weather_year_queries = [get_year_weather_query(year, state) for year in years] return " UNION ALL ".join(weather_year_queries)
[docs]def create_forecast_features_query( client: bigquery.Client, dataset_id: str = "bqmlforecast", forecast_tables_pattern: str = "forecast_*", ) -> str: """ Generate an SQL query to create forecast features by joining forecast tables. Parameters ---------- client : bigquery.Client BigQuery client used to connect to the service. dataset_id : str, optional ID of the dataset where the forecast tables are located, by default "bqmlforecast". forecast_tables_pattern : str, optional Pattern to match forecast tables, by default "forecast_*". Returns ------- str SQL query string to create forecast features. Examples -------- >>> client = bigquery.Client() >>> query = create_forecast_features_query(client) >>> print(query) SELECT CAST(t1.forecast_timestamp AS DATE) as date, t1.item_name, 0 AS total_amount_sold, t2.forecast_value AS temp, t3.forecast_value AS rainfall, t4.forecast_value AS snowfall, fw.rainfall, fw.snowfall, fw.temperature FROM `forecast_temp` AS t1 INNER JOIN `forecast_rainfall` AS t2 ON t1.forecast_timestamp = t2.forecast_timestamp AND t1.item_name = t2.item_name INNER JOIN `forecast_snowfall` AS t3 ON t2.forecast_timestamp = t3.forecast_timestamp AND t2.item_name = t3.item_name LEFT JOIN future_weather_data AS fw ON date = Notes ----- This function constructs an SQL query by joining multiple forecast tables and a weather data table to create a comprehensive forecast features dataset. """ project_id = client.project table_names = list_tables_with_pattern(client, dataset_id, forecast_tables_pattern) forecast_columns_pattern = forecast_tables_pattern.replace("*", "") join_clauses = [] select_clauses = [ "CAST(t1.forecast_timestamp AS DATE) as date", "t1.item_name", "0 AS total_amount_sold" ] for idx, table in enumerate(table_names): alias = f"t{idx + 1}" columns_name = table.replace(forecast_columns_pattern, "") select_clauses.append(f"{alias}.forecast_value AS {columns_name}") if idx > 0: previous_alias = f"t{idx}" join_clauses.append( f"INNER JOIN `{project_id}.{dataset_id}.{table}` AS {alias} " f"ON {previous_alias}.forecast_timestamp = {alias}.forecast_timestamp " f"AND {previous_alias}.item_name = {alias}.item_name" ) select_clauses.extend([ "fw.rainfall", "fw.snowfall", "fw.temperature" ]) select_clause_str = ",\n".join(select_clauses) join_clause_str = "\n".join(join_clauses) query = f""" SELECT {select_clause_str} FROM `{project_id}.{dataset_id}.{table_names[0]}` AS t1 {join_clause_str} LEFT JOIN future_weather_data AS fw ON date = """ return query
[docs]def create_future_data( client: bigquery.Client, train_table_name: str = "bqmlforecast.training_data", test_table_name: str = "bqmlforecast.test_data", forecast_table_name: str = "bqmlforecast.forecast_data", horizon: int = 7, state: str = "IA", dataset_id: str = "bqmlforecast", ): """ Create future data features using training, test, and forecast data. This function generates an SQL query to create a future dataset based on the training, test, and forecast data. It includes weather information and lag features. Parameters ---------- client : bigquery.Client BigQuery client used to connect to the service. train_table_name : str, default="bqmlforecast.training_data" The name of the training data table. test_table_name : str, default="bqmlforecast.test_data" The name of the test data table. forecast_table_name : str, default="bqmlforecast.forecast_data" The name of the table to store the forecast data. horizon : int, default=7 The number of days into the future to create data for. state : str, default="IA" The state code for weather data retrieval. dataset_id : str, default="bqmlforecast" The dataset ID where the forecast tables are located. """ xdf = client.query(f"SELECT date FROM `{test_table_name}`").to_dataframe() end_date = xdf["date"].max() end_date = pd.Timestamp(end_date) previous_year_date = end_date - pd.DateOffset(years=1) previous_year = int(previous_year_date.year) end_date = end_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") forecast_features_query = create_forecast_features_query(client, dataset_id, "forecast_*") future_data_query = f""" CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE `{forecast_table_name}` AS ( WITH max_date AS ( SELECT MAX(date) AS max_date FROM `{test_table_name}` ), future_dates AS ( SELECT DATE_ADD(max_date.max_date, INTERVAL day_offset DAY) AS date FROM max_date, UNNEST(GENERATE_ARRAY(1, {horizon})) AS day_offset ), future_weather_data AS ( SELECT, AVG(hd.temp) AS temperature, AVG(CASE WHEN hd.prcp = 999.9 THEN 0 ELSE hd.prcp END) AS rainfall, AVG(CASE WHEN hd.sndp = 999.9 THEN 0 ELSE hd.sndp END) AS snowfall FROM `future_dates` fd LEFT JOIN `bigquery-public-data.noaa_gsod.gsod{previous_year}` hd ON DATE_ADD(, INTERVAL 1 YEAR) = WHERE stn IN (SELECT usaf FROM `bigquery-public-data.noaa_gsod.stations` WHERE state = '{state}') GROUP BY ), forecast_features AS ( {forecast_features_query} ), validation_data AS ( SELECT date, item_name, total_amount_sold, avg_bottle_cost, avg_bottle_price, total_volume_sold_liters, rainfall, snowfall, temperature FROM `{test_table_name}` ), training_data AS ( SELECT date, item_name, total_amount_sold, avg_bottle_cost, avg_bottle_price, total_volume_sold_liters, rainfall, snowfall, temperature FROM `{train_table_name}` UNION ALL SELECT * FROM validation_data UNION ALL SELECT * FROM forecast_features ), lag_features AS ( SELECT *, LAG(COALESCE(total_volume_sold_liters, 0), 1) OVER (PARTITION BY item_name ORDER BY date) AS lag_1_total_volume_sold_liters, LAG(COALESCE(total_volume_sold_liters, 0), 7) OVER (PARTITION BY item_name ORDER BY date) AS lag_7_total_volume_sold_liters FROM training_data WHERE total_amount_sold IS NOT NULL AND avg_bottle_price IS NOT NULL AND avg_bottle_cost IS NOT NULL AND total_volume_sold_liters IS NOT NULL ), final_features AS ( SELECT *, AVG(COALESCE(total_volume_sold_liters, 0)) OVER (PARTITION BY item_name ORDER BY date ROWS BETWEEN 2 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS ma3_total_volume_sold_liters, AVG(COALESCE(avg_bottle_price, 0)) OVER (PARTITION BY item_name ORDER BY date ROWS BETWEEN 2 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS ma3_avg_bottle_price, AVG(COALESCE(total_volume_sold_liters, 0)) OVER (PARTITION BY item_name ORDER BY date ROWS BETWEEN 6 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS ma7_total_volume_sold_liters, AVG(COALESCE(avg_bottle_price, 0)) OVER (PARTITION BY item_name ORDER BY date ROWS BETWEEN 6 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS ma7_avg_bottle_price, AVG(COALESCE(total_volume_sold_liters, 0)) OVER (PARTITION BY item_name ORDER BY date ROWS BETWEEN 29 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS ma30_total_volume_sold_liters, AVG(COALESCE(avg_bottle_price, 0)) OVER (PARTITION BY item_name ORDER BY date ROWS BETWEEN 29 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS ma30_avg_bottle_price FROM lag_features ), deduplicated_final_features AS ( SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY date, item_name ORDER BY date) AS row_num FROM final_features ) SELECT date, item_name, ROUND(total_amount_sold, 0) AS total_amount_sold, ROUND(avg_bottle_price, 2) AS avg_bottle_price, ROUND(total_volume_sold_liters, 2) AS total_volume_sold_liters, ROUND(avg_bottle_cost, 2) AS avg_bottle_cost, EXTRACT(DAYOFWEEK FROM date) AS day_of_week, EXTRACT(WEEK FROM date) AS week_of_year, EXTRACT(MONTH FROM date) AS month, EXTRACT(YEAR FROM date) AS year, ROUND(ma3_total_volume_sold_liters, 2) AS ma3_total_volume_sold_liters, ROUND(ma3_avg_bottle_price, 2) AS ma3_avg_bottle_price, ROUND(ma7_total_volume_sold_liters, 2) AS ma7_total_volume_sold_liters, ROUND(ma7_avg_bottle_price, 2) AS ma7_avg_bottle_price, ROUND(ma30_total_volume_sold_liters, 2) AS ma30_total_volume_sold_liters, ROUND(ma30_avg_bottle_price, 2) AS ma30_avg_bottle_price, ROUND(LAST_VALUE(temperature IGNORE NULLS) OVER (PARTITION BY item_name ORDER BY date ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW), 2) AS temperature, (CASE WHEN rainfall IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE ROUND(rainfall, 2) END) AS rainfall, (CASE WHEN snowfall IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE ROUND(snowfall, 2) END) AS snowfall, CAST(lag_1_total_volume_sold_liters AS INT64) AS lag_1_total_volume_sold_liters, CAST(lag_7_total_volume_sold_liters AS INT64) AS lag_7_total_volume_sold_liters FROM deduplicated_final_features WHERE EXTRACT(DAYOFWEEK FROM date) IS NOT NULL AND EXTRACT(WEEK FROM date) IS NOT NULL AND EXTRACT(MONTH FROM date) IS NOT NULL AND EXTRACT(YEAR FROM date) IS NOT NULL AND row_num = 1 ORDER BY item_name, date ) """ future_data_job = client.query(future_data_query) future_data_job.result()
[docs]def create_future_feature_table( client: bigquery.Client, table_name: str, model_name: str, confidence_level: float = 0.9, horizon: int = 7, ): """ Create a forecast table for a specific model and save the forecast results. Parameters ---------- client : bigquery.Client BigQuery client used to connect to the service. table_name : str The name of the table to save the forecast results. model_name : str The name of the model used for forecasting. confidence_level : float, default=0.9 The confidence level for the forecast. horizon : int, default=7 The number of days into the future to forecast. """ create_table_query = f""" CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE `{table_name}` AS ( SELECT * FROM ML.FORECAST(MODEL `{model_name}`, STRUCT({horizon} AS horizon, {confidence_level} AS confidence_level)) ) """ create_table_job = client.query(create_table_query) create_table_job.result()
[docs]def create_future_feature_tables( client: bigquery.Client, columns: List[str], model: str = "bqmlforecast.arima_model", table_base_name: str = "bqmlforecast.forecast", confidence_level: float = 0.9, horizon: int = 7, ): """ Create forecast tables for multiple columns and save the forecast results. Parameters ---------- client : bigquery.Client BigQuery client used to connect to the service. columns : List[str] A list of column names to forecast. model : str, default="bqmlforecast.arima_model" The base name of the model used for forecasting. table_base_name : str, default="bqmlforecast.forecast" The base name for the tables to store the forecast results. confidence_level : float, default=0.9 The confidence level for the forecast. horizon : int, default=7 The number of days into the future to forecast. """ for column in track(columns, description="Saving ARIMA forecasts..."): model_name = f"{model}_{column}" table_name = f"{table_base_name}_{column}" create_future_feature_table( client, table_name, model_name, confidence_level=confidence_level, horizon=horizon )