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Module contains classes that allow performing I/O operations on objects.

This module defines classes that serve as mixins for other classes.
These classes extensions inject methods that allow performing I/O
operations on objects.

This module defines the following classes:

- :class:`.PicklerMixin`: Mixin class that adds methods for pickling objects.
- :class:`.JoblibIOMixin`: Mixin class that adds methods for saving objects as
  joblib files.

The following example shows how to use the :class:`.PicklerMixin` class to
extend other classes, adding methods for pickling objects:

.. code-block:: python

    class MyClass(PicklerMixin):pass

    my_object = MyClass()
    # Save classe instance as pickle file

    # Load class instance from pickle file

The same logic applies to the :class:`.JoblibIOMixin` class.

All I/O classes from this module implement the saving method, using the ``to_``
prefix, and the loading method, using the ``from_`` prefix.
The loading methods are class methods, so they can be called directly from the
class, without the need to instantiate it first.
from __future__ import annotations

import pickle
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict

import joblib

[docs]class PicklerMixin: """ Mixin class for pickle I/O. This class allows parent objects to perform I/O operations using pickle. The methods implemented in this class are: - :meth:`.PicklerMixin.to_pickle`: Save the object to a pickle file. - :meth:`.PicklerMixin.from_pickle`: Load the object from a pickle file. Examples -------- >>> class MyClass(PicklerMixin):pass >>> obj = MyClass() >>> # To save the object to a pickle file: >>> obj.to_pickle("path/to/file") >>> # To load the object from a pickle file: >>> obj.from_pickle("path/to/file") """
[docs] def __getstate__(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get the state of the object for pickling. Returns ------- Dict[str, Any] State of the object for pickling. """ return self.__dict__
[docs] def __setstate__(self, state: Dict[str, Any]): """Set the state of the object after unpickling. Parameters ---------- state : Dict[str, Any] State of the object after unpickling. """ self.__dict__ = state
[docs] def to_pickle(self, path: str): """Save the object to a pickle file. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to the pickle file. Raises ------ ValueError If the path refers to a directory. """ _path = Path(path).with_suffix(".pickle") if _path.is_dir(): raise ValueError(f"{path!r} is a directory.") with open(_path, "wb") as file: pickle.dump(self, file)
[docs] @classmethod def from_pickle(cls, path: str) -> PicklerMixin: """Load the object from a pickle file. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to the pickle file. Returns ------- PicklerMixin Object loaded from the pickle file. Raises ------ ValueError If the path is not a file. """ _path = Path(path).with_suffix(".pickle") if not _path.is_file(): raise ValueError(f"{path!r} is not a file.") with open(_path, "rb") as file: # codiga-disable return cls(pickle.load(file)) # noqa
[docs]class JoblibIOMixin: """ Mixin class for joblib I/O. This class allows parent objects to perform I/O operations using ``joblib``. The methods implemented in this class are: - :meth:`.JoblibIOMixin.to_joblib`: Save the object to a joblib file. - :meth:`.JoblibIOMixin.from_joblib`: Load the object from a joblib file. Methods ------- to_joblib(path: str) Save the object to a joblib file. from_joblib(path: str) Load the object from a joblib file. Examples -------- Define a class that inherits from :class:`.JoblibIOMixin`: >>> class MyClass(JoblibIOMixin):pass >>> obj = MyClass() Save the object as a ``joblib`` file: >>> obj.to_joblib("path/to/file") Load the object from a ``joblib`` file: >>> obj.from_joblib("path/to/file") """
[docs] def to_joblib(self, path: str) -> None: """Save the object to a ``joblib`` file. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to the ``joblib`` file. Raises ------ ValueError If the path refers to a directory. """ _path = Path(path).with_suffix(".joblib") if _path.is_dir(): raise ValueError(f"{path!r} is a directory.") joblib.dump(self, _path)
[docs] @classmethod def from_joblib(cls, path: str) -> JoblibIOMixin: """Load the object from a ``joblib`` file. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to the ``joblib`` file. Returns ------- JoblibIOMixin Object loaded from the ``joblib`` file. Raises ------ ValueError If the path is not a file. """ _path = Path(path).with_suffix(".joblib") if not _path.is_file(): raise ValueError(f"{path!r} is not a file.") return cls(joblib.load(_path)) # noqa