Source code for better_dict.core

Module defines the :class:`.BetterDict` class.

The :class:`.BetterDict` class is a subclass of the :class:`dict` class that
provides additional functionality to the dictionary. The additional
functionality includes:

- Accessing the dictionary keys by value.
- Manipulating the dictionary keys and values using index notation.
- Accessing and manipulating the dictionary values using dot notation.
- Accessing the dictionary values by their data types.
- Saving and loading the dictionary to and from a file.
- Creating the dictionary from a :class:`pandas.DataFrame` object.
- Creating the dictionary from a :class:`numpy.ndarray` object.
- Creating the dictionary from a :class:`numpy.matrix` object.
- Creating the dictionary from a :class:`pandas.Series` object.
- Applying a function to the dictionary values and keys.
- Finding keys using fuzzy matching.
- Renaming the dictionary keys.

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import abstractmethod
from difflib import get_close_matches
from typing import Any, Hashable, Iterable, List, Tuple

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from better_dict.accessors import ILoc, VLoc
from import JoblibIOMixin, PicklerMixin
from better_dict.utils import (flatten, iterable_not_string, make_list,

[docs]def translate_dtype(dtype: str) -> type | Tuple[type, ...]: """Translate the ``dtype`` string to the corresponding Python type. Parameters ---------- dtype : str Data type represented as string to translate. Returns ------- type | Tuple[type, ...] Type or tuple of types corresponding to the text data types. Raises ------ ValueError If the data type string is not recognized. """ if dtype == "number": return float, int if dtype == "string": return str if dtype == "datetime": return pd.Timestamp if dtype == "pandas": return pd.DataFrame, pd.Series if dtype == "numpy": return np.ndarray, np.matrix raise ValueError(f"Invalid dtype: {dtype!r}")
[docs]class ApplyMixin: """ Mixin class that adds the apply method to the ``BetterDict`` class. The ``apply`` method enables operations on the values or keys of the dictionary. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def rename(self, keys: dict) -> None: """Rename the keys of the dictionary."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def keys(self): """Get the keys of the dictionary."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def values(self): """Get the values of the dictionary."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Set the value of the dictionary at the given key."""
[docs] def apply(self, func, *args, axis=1, **kwargs): """Apply a function to the ``BetterDict`` keys or values. Parameters ---------- func : callable Function to apply. *args Positional arguments to pass to the function. **kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to the function. axis : int, default 1 Axis along which to apply the function. If ``axis=0``, the function is applied to the keys of the dictionary. If ``axis=1``, the function is applied to the values of the dictionary. Returns ------- BetterDict Result of applying the function to the object. Notes ----- The class mimics the ``pandas.DataFrame.apply`` method. """ if axis == 1: return self.value_apply(func, *args, **kwargs) return self.keys_apply(func, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def keys_apply(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """Apply the function to the keys of the dictionary. Parameters ---------- func : callable Function to apply. *args Positional arguments to pass to the function. **kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to the function. Returns ------- BetterDict Result of applying the function to the keys of the object. """ self.rename({key: func(key, *args, **kwargs) for key in self.keys()}) return self
[docs] def value_apply(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """Apply the function to each value of a dictionary. Parameters ---------- func : callable Function to apply. *args Positional arguments to pass to the function. **kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to the function. Returns ------- BetterDict Result of applying the function to each row of the object. """ new_values = (func(value, *args, **kwargs) for value in self.values()) for key, value in zip(self.keys(), new_values): self[key] = value return self
[docs]class BetterDict(dict, PicklerMixin, JoblibIOMixin, ApplyMixin): """ Custom dictionary class that allows multiple get/set operations at once. Class also supports the following operations: - Access and set values using index notation. - Access keys referrencing the dictionary values. - Get the keys and values as lists. - Get the closest match to a given key. - Select a subset of the dictionary based on the values data types. - Apply functions row- and column-wise. - Perform I/O operations using ``pickle`` and ``joblib``. Examples -------- Create a :class:`.BetterDict` instance from a normal dictionary: >>> d = BetterDict({"a": 1, "b": 2}) >>> d["a"] 1 Get multiple values at once >>> d["a", "b"] {'a': 1, 'b': 2} Set multiple values at once >>> d["a", "b"] = 3, 4 >>> d["a", "b"] {'a': 3, 'b': 4} Access values using index notation >>> d.iloc[0] 3 Set values using index notation >>> d.iloc[0, 1] = [5, 6] >>> d.iloc[:] [5, 6] Get the keys and values as lists >>> d.keys() # Dictionary keys ['a', 'b'] >>> d.values() # Dictionary values [5, 6] Get the closest match to a given key >>> d.get_closest_match("A") 'a' """ @property def iloc(self) -> ILoc: """Access the dictionary values by index. Returns ------- ILoc Dictionary values accessed by index. """ return ILoc(self) @property def vloc(self) -> VLoc: """Access the dictionary values by value. Returns ------- VLoc Dictionary values accessed by value. """ return VLoc(self) @property def index(self) -> List[int]: """Get the indexes of the dictionary. Returns ------- List[int] Indexes of the dictionary. """ return self.iloc.index
[docs] def __getitem__( self, key: Hashable | Iterable[Hashable], ) -> object | BetterDict: """Get the value(s) associated with the key(s). Parameters ---------- key : Hashable | Iterable[Hashable] Key(s) to get the value(s) for. Returns ------- object | BetterDict Value(s) associated with the key(s). """ if iterable_not_string(key): return BetterDict({_key: self[_key] for _key in key}) return self.get(key)
[docs] def __setitem__( self, key: Hashable | Iterable[Hashable], value: Any | Iterable[Any], ): """Set the value(s) associated with the key(s). Parameters ---------- key : Hashable | Iterable[Hashable] Key(s) to set the value(s) for. value : Any | Iterable[Any] Value(s) to set. """ if same_length(key, value): for _key, _value in zip(key, value): super().__setitem__(_key, _value) else: super().__setitem__(key, value)
[docs] def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> object: """Get the value associated with the key. Parameters ---------- name : str Key to get the value for. Returns ------- object Value associated with the key. """ return self.__getitem__(name)
[docs] def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: Any): """Set the value associated with the key. Parameters ---------- name : str Key to set the value for. value : Any Value to set. """ self.__setitem__(name, value)
[docs] def rename(self, keys): """Rename the keys of the dictionary. Parameters ---------- keys : dict New keys for the dictionary. """ new_keys = keys.values() old_keys = keys.keys() for old_key, new_key in zip(old_keys, new_keys): value = self.pop(old_key) self[new_key] = value
[docs] def keys(self) -> List[Hashable]: """Return a list of the dictionary keys. Returns ------- List[Hashable] List of the dictionary keys. """ return list(super().keys())
[docs] def values(self) -> List[Any]: """Return a list of the dictionary values. Returns ------- List[Any] List of the dictionary values. """ return list(super().values())
[docs] def close_match(self, key: Hashable, cutoff: float = 0.6) -> Hashable: """ Return the key that is the closest match to the name from ``key``. Before applying the fuzzy match, the ``key`` and the dictionary keys are converted to lower case. This maximizes the chances of finding a match. Parameters ---------- key : Hashable Key to find the closest match for. cutoff : float, default 0.6 Minimum similarity ratio for a match to be returned. The parameter must be between 0 and 1. A value of 1 means that the strings must be identical. A value close to 0 means that the strings don't have to be identical, for a match to be returned. Returns ------- Hashable Closest match to the given key. Raises ------ KeyError If no match is found. """ lower_keys = BetterDict( {str(_key).lower(): _key for _key in self.keys()} ) lower_key = str(key).lower() matches = get_close_matches( # type: ignore lower_key, lower_keys.keys(), cutoff=cutoff ) if matches: return lower_keys[matches[0]] raise KeyError(f"No close match found for {key}.")
[docs] def dtypes(self) -> BetterDict: """Get the data types of the dictionary values. Returns ------- BetterDict Data types of the dictionary values. """ return BetterDict({key: type(value) for key, value in self.items()})
def select_dtypes(self, include=None, exclude=None): """ Return a subset of the dictionary based on the data types. At least one of ``include`` or ``exclude`` must be specified and if both are specified, ``include`` cannot contain the same data types as ``exclude``. This function accepts some special strings to specify the data types: - ``'number'`` - Numeric data types. - ``'string'`` - String data types. - ``'pandas'`` - Pandas DataFrame or Series. - ``'numpy'`` - Numpy array. - ``'datetime'`` - Datetime data types. Parameters ---------- include : list, default None Data types to include in the subset. If ``exclude`` is not specified, then this parameter is obligatory. exclude : list, default None Data types to exclude from the subset. If ``include`` is not specified, then this parameter is obligatory. Returns ------- BetterDict Subset of the dictionary based on the data types. Raises ------ ValueError - If both ``include`` and ``exclude`` are not specified. - If ``include`` contains the same data types as ``exclude``. Examples -------- >>> from better_dict import BetterDict >>> d = BetterDict({'a': 1, 'b': '2', 'c': [3], 'd': {'e': 4}}) >>> d.select_dtypes(include=['number', 'string']) BetterDict({'a': 1, 'b': '2'}) Notes ----- Method checks whether at least one of ``include`` or ``exclude`` is specified and if both are specified, it checks whether ``include`` contains the same data types as ``exclude``. If any of these checks fail, a ``ValueError`` is raised. This method works similarly to the ``pandas.DataFrame.select_dtypes`` method. See Also -------- - :meth:`pandas.DataFrame.select_dtypes` - :func:`.translate_dtype` - :func:`better_dict.utils.make_list` - :func:`better_dict.utils.flatten` """ if include is None and exclude is None: raise ValueError( "At least one of ``include`` or ``exclude`` must be specified." ) include = tuple( flatten( [ translate_dtype(dtype) if isinstance(dtype, str) else dtype for dtype in make_list(include) ] ) ) exclude_dtypes = tuple( flatten( [ translate_dtype(dtype) if isinstance(dtype, str) else dtype for dtype in make_list(exclude) ] ) ) check_include_exclude = set(include).intersection(set(exclude_dtypes)) if check_include_exclude: raise ValueError( "Cannot set the same data types to `include` and `exclude`:\n" "\n".join(f"- {dtype}" for dtype in check_include_exclude) ) return BetterDict( { key: value for key, value in self.items() if isinstance(value, include) and not isinstance(value, exclude_dtypes) } )
[docs] @classmethod def from_frame(cls, pandas_df: pd.DataFrame) -> BetterDict: """Create a ``BetterDict`` from a pandas DataFrame. Parameters ---------- pandas_df : pd.DataFrame Pandas DataFrame to create the ``BetterDict`` from. Returns ------- BetterDict ``BetterDict`` created from the pandas DataFrame. """ return cls(pandas_df.to_dict(orient="list"))
[docs] @classmethod def from_series(cls, pandas_series: pd.Series) -> BetterDict: """Create a ``BetterDict`` from a pandas Series. Parameters ---------- pandas_series : pd.Series Pandas Series to create the ``BetterDict`` from. Returns ------- BetterDict ``BetterDict`` created from the pandas Series. """ return cls(pandas_series.to_dict())
[docs] @classmethod def from_list(cls, list_obj: list) -> BetterDict: """Create a ``BetterDict`` from a list. Parameters ---------- list_obj : list List to create the ``BetterDict`` from. Returns ------- BetterDict ``BetterDict`` created from the list. """ return cls(enumerate(list_obj))